Support rescued animals by supporting our project

The President, Mr Sameer Golam and Vice president, Mrs Madhu Bholah-Appasamy of NGO Second Chance Animal Rescue would like to present to you their CSR project for 2022 regarding stray dog control in Mauritius for the long term, in the hope that we can count on your support/ contribution towards our CSR/ sponsorship requests.

We have recently received the building permit for our project and need help with funding the construction and also sponsorship for the operations of the care home.

This project will benefit the local community, the country and most importantly our furry friends.

We are proud to be associated with Network for Animals (NFA), our partner and one of our funders. NFA is a non-governmental, international animal welfare organization crusading for animals around the world. Click here to learn more about their work:

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A monthly donation help us respond to urgent threat and plan ahead
A monthly donation help us respond to urgent threat and plan ahead

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